About The Influence Of The Uzbek Language In Rishtan Tajik Dialects Of Ferghana Region

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Mukhtorali Turdaliyevich Zokirov, Sohiba Mukhtoraliyevna Zokirova, Shirin Shuhratovna Dadabayeva


This article discusses the issues of determining the degree of mutual influence of the Uzbek and Tajik languages by language levels using the example of Rishtan dialects of the Tajik language of the Ferghana region. Despite the fact that the problems of language interaction have been thoroughly studied theoretically and practically in world linguistics, this issue still remains relevant in Uzbek linguistics.In the work were used the methods such as comparison, contrast, transformational analysis, generalization. For the first time in Uzbek linguistics, the features of mutual influence among the language levels (phonetic, lexical-semantic, morphological, syntactic) are analyzed.

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