On the Track of Emotional Issues in the Design of Multimedia Learning Materials

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Ali Haydar BÜLBÜL, Abdullah KUZU


The literature suggest that learners’ emotions play an important role in educational processes by the means of cognition, motivation, interest, and so, learning. However, emotional design of multimedia learning materials is relatively new for the education literature. Although there are several studies on the effects of emotional design on learning, there is a theoretical gap about how to design multimedia learning tools in order to involve learners emotionally in the learning process. Therefore, this study aims to identify issues that should be taken into consideration for the emotional design of animations as multimedia learning materials. In this direction, a basic qualitative approach was adopted and inquiry was carried out in two phases. At the first phase, semi-structured interviews were conducted with five expert academicians in the field of animation with different areas of interest, in order to gain information about a variety of issues on the design of animations on the emotional base. Data was inductively analyzed and findings were categorized under seven themes. At the second phase, certain emotional issues were identified and, in order to increase the trustworthiness of the findings acquired by semi-structured interviews and obtain the opinions of the practitioners in the field on the issue, findings were restructured as a survey. This survey was conducted on an online platform with field experts working in the animation sector at various positions. A total of 79 expert participated in the survey process. Findings showed that survey results were in line with interview as well.

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