The Effectiveness of Lesson Study in An English Language Classroom for Lower Secondary Schools

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Doreen Premila Rajamoney


This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of a Lesson Study in an English Language classroom for lower secondary schools. Teaching English as a second language has always been a priority in Malaysian education system. Therefore, as its prominence and awareness grow, there was an interest to make its teaching objectives achievable not only in the classroom but also in the outside world. The activities involved in the Lesson Studywere mainly student centered which are in line with the 21st Century Learning.Instruments used were that of the pre and post tests and the improved grades (in the post test – which showed better results) that were produced after using this strategy. Data collection were based on analysis comparing the two tests on the sample of 33lower secondary students with percentages and frequencies, observations during the teaching and learning process and interviews with the samples. There were different recommendations and suggestion from teachers teaching this level of mediocre to weak students. Lesson Study can beimprovised from time to time if the need arises to accommodate learning outcomes. The strength of this strategy was students will enhance their content knowledgeand also, they will have to go through the next cycle during the teaching and learning process of this subjectin order to get the lesson objectives achievable whereas the weakness is simply that Lesson Study takes most of their time to complete the cycle.The results and findings proved that Lesson Study is indeed an effective way for both the teacher and students as the learning outcomes set before the students were indeed achievable and teachers become more dedicated as well as committed towards the teaching profession due to the process they go through in Lesson Study. The implication of this study showed that this study has potential to bring effectiveness towards students’ learning approaches as well as the teachers’ pedagogy aspects. In conclusion, a lesson study which involves a group of teachers who collaborate to make a lesson plan can be an effective strategy in Professional Learning Community as far as the 21st  Century Leaning is concerned.

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