Making Rural Farmers Entrepreneurship: - to Study The Role of E-Nam, Apmc, Wholesalers, and Retailors on Farmers Agricultural Activities and their Income
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Agricultural Entrepreneurship needs to address opportunities and challenges related to information dissemination, farm management, procurement of capital, modernization of firm, and the agricultural supply chain. It should be start from ground level by development in farmers wealth, farmers are becoming major contributors to the growth of India’s agricultural economy. Rural farmers entrepreneurship fulfils India’s acceleration, entrepreneurship involves innovative skills, marketing models and profitability to business and community- oriented practices. Entrepreneurship of small holder farmers have been grouped them together to achieve their welfare. To decreasing exploitation by intermediaries in agricultural marketing the Government of India constructed APMC mandi, RMC market yards and e-NAM platform to improve the system of agricultural marketing in our country. Therefore, this research paper analyzes the role of e-NAM, APMC, wholesalers, and retailors on agricultural activities and on farmers income to making rural farmers entrepreneurship from village level. Collection of data made by interviewing e-NAM/APMC officers, wholesaler/retailors from local market yards and from farmers of state Odisha and analyzes with the help of statistical methods and excel..
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