A Brief Outline on Scanderbeg in English Literature

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Lirak Karjagdiu, Naim Kryeziu, Isa Spahiu


The topic of Scanderbeg in English literature has not sufficiently been studied and it requires more close attention and consideration. The figure of Scanderbeg has been treated in English by a number of English writers, including prominentauthorslikeEdmund Spencer, Christopher Marlowe, George Lillo, and Lord Byron.The main aim of this paper is to illuminate the presence of Scanderbegin English literature from the 16th through the 19thby referencing books, papers and reviews written by Albanian and Anglo-Americanscholars and researchers. The paper concludes that many literary works were written and published on Scanderbegby some outstanding and promiment English writers, who depicted Scanderbeg as a stateman, diplomat and military genius. These works were mostly received with warmth and enthusiasm, leading to Scanderneg becoming one of the popular and well-knownhistorical leaders and figures in English literaturebythe end of 19th century.

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