Social Security As A Protection For Outsourced Workers In Industrial Era 4.0
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Indonesia is currently in the state of revolutionary era where technology and information and also digitalization are vastly developed that affecting various living aspects. The most affected aspect is laboring, either the outsourced workers or jobholder. Outsourcing part of the work to another company is permitted by Laws No.13 Year 2013 concerning Employment as regulated in Article 64 to Article 66. Outsourcing workers having legal norms but their rights as workers are often ignored or not given entirely by the company. Article 15 paragraph 1 of Laws No. 24 Years 2011 about The Social Insurance Administration Organization/BPJS states that labor provider is obliged to gradually register itself and its employees as participants in accordance with the preference program. The purpose of the study was to see and analyze the implementation of the social security in companies in Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia. The type of research is empirical juridical conducted with 2 stages; the study of normative law through literature studies and the study of the implementation of regulations through questionnaires, interviews and FGDs. The results of the study showed that the for outsourced workers in Medan City about outsourcing went well. This can be seen from the employment agreement recorded at the Manpower Office. Large companies in the city of Medan have all participated in the social security program, although the implementation is not yet fully in accordance with the law, due to the existence of Partial List Companies (PDS), namely labor PDS, wage PDS and PDS programs.
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