Antología de la representación árabe en las narrativas hispanoamericanas “Anthlogy of Arabic Representation in Hispano- American Narratives”

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Imad Abedalkareem Ababneh, Leena Ali Mahmmod aljarrah, Ahmad Saleh Abed-alhameed Talafha,


This article talks about the Arab presence and its influence on Spanish and Latin- American literature. The Arab expatriates who flocked to the new continent on varying dates brought with them their customs, traditions, culture, and their poetic sense. Their influence in the new society was remarkable in all of these fields. A big number of Spanish and Latin-American writers, novelists, and poets, had enriched their distinguished literary works with what they wrote about the presence of different subjects of the Arabs.  This cannot be denied or ignored; the Arab influence is clear and evident in their creativity and literature.

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