Corruption Risk Anticipation Strategy Based On Knowledge Management

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Arman Sahri Harahap, Husain Syam, Hamsu Abdul Gani, Sulaiman Samad, Haedar Akib


Corruption is no longer a new phenomenon in public organizations in various countries, including in Indonesia because corruption has long been a part of irregular activities carried out by public officials, especially irregularities in government goods/service procurement projects to gain personal and group benefits. The results of this exploratory descriptive study explain the Knowledge Management Approach (KMA) as an alternative strategy in handling Corruption Risk in cross-sectoral infrastructure development programs in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Primary data were collected from observations and interviews with several parties involved in cross-sectoral infrastructure development programs. Meanwhile, secondary data comes from the mass media and documentation of infrastructure development projects in South Sulawesi. The results of the study found that in the implementation of cross-sectoral programs for infrastructure development in South Sulawesi, KMA was applied as an alternative strategy in dealing with the risk of corruption, but it was still incidental in the event of problems and had not been carried out in a coordinated, integrated, synchronized and simplified manner in all programs. Implementation, which is still incidental, can be seen from the tacit and explicit knowledge that has not been created in all cross-sectoral infrastructure development programs. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen commitment from top management and the involvement of all collaborative-adaptive actors in the team tasked with managing corruption risk collectively. Meanwhile, the application of KMA is carried out through knowledge sharing and knowledge creation processes according to the SEKI model to all parties interested in implementing multi-sectoral development programs.

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