A Study On The Challenges Faced By Women Distributors In Multi Level Marketing With Respect To Single Line Products In Chennai City
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Direct selling is the selling of products in a non-retail setting, for example, at home, online, or other venues that are not a store. It eliminates middlemen who are involved in distribution, such as wholesalers and regional distribution centres. Instead, products are sent directly from the manufacturer to the sales company, then to the rep or distributor, and finally to the consumer. Products sold via direct sales are not typically found in traditional retail locations. In India more than 5 million people are involved in this business out of which 60% of them are women. As this is a convenient means of business, majority of the housewives are getting involved for an additional source of income. Every business has its own challenges Similarly Multi-Level Marketing has few challenges faced by women distributors. This paper addresses such challenges in order to give a suitable way to address it.
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