The Instructıonal Leadershıp And Admınıstratıve Management Among Prıncıpals In Natıonal Hıgh Schools
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The school head’s leadership is a major contributing factor to the success of the operation of the school. This study assessed the instructional leadership and administrative management among principals in nine selected national high schools in the rural and urban areas of Cebu City. It is a descriptive evaluative research using quantitative-qualitative method. The results of showed that the nine schools implemented instructional leadership to a Great Extent, the nine schools operated satisfactorily in their administrative management, the computed Pearson r proved that instructional leadership was significantly related to administrative management, the problems of the principals in terms of instructional leadership involved poor assessment procedures and teaching strategies, insufficient instructional materials, and inadequate in-service trainings of teachers while the problems of principals in terms of administrative management involved inadequate development of SIP/AIP, unavailability of disbursing officer, lack of physical resources, and lack of monitoring and evaluation among the principals.
A Training Program for Principals with Six Phases was designed based on the findings. The potential principals or head teachers, officers in-charge and high profile principals needed to further their administrative and instructional trainings, and negotiating strategies to take National Qualifying Examination for School Heads (NQESH) to be more qualified and equipped in their positions.
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