Mars Self- Learning Habitat - Generating the Optimum Form for Future UAE’s Space Exploration Missions

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Dr. Aref Maksoud , Prof. Abbas Elmualim, Amani Nasser , Ghsoun Madani , Zain Lahham


Having life on Mars is a long-lasting dream that scientists have been working on for years. Extensive research and experiments have been conducted ever since the 1960s; this research is a summary of the findings of these experiments until this very day. The purpose of this research is to bridge various fields to design an ultimate habitat for astronauts and scientists on Mars in order to study the surface of Mars and the potential of habitability. Excessive research has been done on Mars’ harsh environmental conditions, materials availability, and site selection. As a result, the derived knowledge led to design a self-learning adaptive system using reconfigurable robots and different technologies suggested to solve problems concerning the environmental conditions on Mars, adding to that the potential of utilizing in-situ resources in fabricating the structure of the units. This study also includes several design guidelines taking into consideration multiple elements affecting the project program, and a concept that studied possible options adaptable to the environment in terms of form-finding using artificial intelligence and mimicking the nature on Mars while focusing on automated approaches in construction.

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