“A Study to Assess Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Regarding Role of Parents Related to Child Abuse on Knowledge among the Parents of Primary School Going Children from Selected Schools in Sangli Miraj and Kupwad Corporation Area.”
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Introduction:Though the children are regarded as most important asset of the world still their rights are overlooked on a large scale often resulting into tragic outcome. Abuse among child can be in the form of physical, sexual, psychological or neglect done by persons like parent, family member or by any unknown person that may result into harm at current stage or in the later years of life. According to WHO “Child abuse has many forms: Physical, psychological/emotional, sexual, neglect and exploitation, any of this that is harmful to a child’s healthy life, existence, respect and progress at present or in the later years of life are called as abuse.”Globally, over half of all children ages 2-17 years were victims of physical, sexual or emotional violence in the past year.
Aims: 1)To assess existing knowledge of parents regarding their role related to child abuse. 2) To assess posttest knowledge of parents regarding their role related to child abuse. 3) To compare the pre-test and post-test knowledge score. 4) To find out the association between the pre-test knowledge score and demographic variables.
Methodology: Pre-experimental one group pretest posttest study was conducted to assess the knowledge of parents of primary school going children regarding their role related to child abuse from selected schools in Sangli Miraj and Kupwad corporation area. The reliability coefficient ’r’ of the questionnaire was 0.81, hence it was found to be reliable. Three Clusters of school were made using geographical location of primary school going children and then from each cluster one school was selected by using simple random sampling and from each school 40 parents were selected by simple random sampling method. So, total 120 parents of primary school going children were selected for the study from three primary schools, one school from each cluster. A structured questionnaire of 20 items was administered to collect the data. Pretest was given on the 1st day followed by planned teaching and posttest was administered on the 7th day. The conceptual framework of Widenbach’s Helping Art of Clinical Nursing Theory (1964) was adopted in this research. Data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results and Conclusion: In the pretestabout 63 (52.5%) samples had average knowledge level and 57 (47.5%) samples had poor knowledge level. No one belonged to the good and excellent knowledge level.
In the posttest 94 (78.33%) samples achieved excellent knowledge level, 26 (21.67%) samples had good knowledge level while none of them had neither poor nor average knowledge level regarding role of parents related to child abuse.
The overall pretest mean score was 5.58 with S.D1.61 and the post test mean score was 18.86 with S.D.0.64. Highly significant difference found between pre and post test scores of level of knowledge in all the areas and in the overall level of knowledge at P≤0.05 level. There was significant association between the pretest knowledge regarding role of parents related to child and with their demographic variables at P≤0.05 level. Among mother’s maximum of significant association was found with the demographic variable like age, education, occupation, type of family and previous information regarding child abuse. As compared with mothers, fathers had significant association with the demographic variables like education and no. of children with their pretest knowledge score. This study revealed that the effectiveness of planned teaching regarding role of parents related to child abuse was an effective intervention to increase the knowledge of parents of primary school going children.
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