Dark Pattern Use In E-Commerce

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Aryan Grover, Shivansh Gupta, Prachi Garg


Growing e-commerce competition has driven businesses to develop several tactics to engage and lead consumers through digital buying experience. Some merchants utilize digital nudges to help consumers through buying. Some websites employ dark patterns. A user interface element that manipulates the user to make a choice the user might not have chosen if they were free to pick.

The report characterizes the dark pattern as "intentional and deceptive design decisions meant to attain the psychological benefit of forcing users to make unanticipated and unpleasant choices; they produce value for the services for which they function."

Four variables appear to explain dark patterns' effectiveness: technological, cognitive, social, and motivational. These aspects are described in depth.

E-commerce generally uses dark pattern . The emergence of dark patterns led to industrial activity that led to much greater usage of dark patterns. Dark patterns were also used to enhance client interaction, resulting in increased financial success. With limited timeframes and small resources, designers concentrated on developing a "happy path" that lets them to focus on reaching shareholder goals without addressing the user experience as a whole. Finally, some scholars claim that most dark patterns are attributable to lack of ethical planning training.

This literature review tries to illuminate dark patterns and the reasons behind their utilization in e-commerce. It also explains why e-commerce firms shouldn't employ dark patterns on their site and provide ideas for further research.


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