Factors that cause cynicism Among University Teachers of Nepal

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Tina Gurung, Dr. Mridula Mishra


Cynicism is a feeling of dissatisfaction which deals with the disappointment. Nowdays cynicism is found in most of the organization where employees believe that their organization lacks honesty.Since, cynicism is negative work attitude so, when employee are cynicial they don’t follow the rules and regulation in the organization and go against the organization by creating conflict in the organization,beside this cynicism can increase absenteeism rate in the organization , damaging the status of the organizations . Employee cynicism in an organization highly effect the organization by reducing quantity as well as quality of an organization’s manpower.Nowdays cynicism is found in every organization like in education sector also it can be found. The research paper aims to identify the factors that cause cynicism and to explore the cynicism among universities teachers of Nepal.250 datas were collected from different universities of Nepal and CFA has been performed to get the result.

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