Aesthetic work of visual language elements in television promotional programs

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Abdul Karim Hessan Abed


Satellite TV channels focus to keep their progress forward by depending on the factor of high level of the viewer’s ratio. Since the emergence of the television image, the recipient began to search for its details through his senses, as it is one of the important means of communication, as it equates to many words and meanings, which effect on the public opinion through the formation of contents with social values, ideas, cultures and new behaviors.

The image has the effective ability to transfer the human thought to the audience through communicational messages in order to attract them and raise their attention as it has given a space for  the marketing ideas for the sake  to be used in various promotional TV campaigns in  that the image of television has special tools to provide the harmony with the receiver and through an artistic language which possesses the aesthetic ability via a combination  of intellectual, psychological and environmental factors to create dazzling and thinking. This matter leads to enhance the television image with much strength, attraction, the aesthetic effect and the ability to produce realistic messages can achieve change and elevate the ideas and behavior of society, as well as create a different and interactive world through the act of exposure to the image, so that the recipient would be interested in all the angles and elements of the image.

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