Teleworking and job placement of family members in the care of people with severe disabilities in a region of Peru
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The objective of the study was to determine and explain whether teleworking will promote the labor insertion of family members attending people with severe disabilities in La Libertad, 2021. The study has a mixed approach, with exploratory design. The sample consisted of 196 participants, including family members caring for people with severe disabilities and OMAPED workers in La Libertad, 2021. Three instruments, two questionnaires were used to measure both variables and an interview guide. Descriptive statistics (frequency tables) and correlation by Spearman ranges were used. Spearman Rho's correlation coefficient= 0.835 (high degree of positive correlation) suggested that teleworking will significantly (p< 0.05) and efficiently promote the labor insertion of family members attending people with severe disabilities in La Libertad, 2021. Teleworking would mean that family members responsible for the care of people with severe disabilities, can generate economic income that allows them to meet their needs and also be able to develop in the workplace.
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