Integration of ICT in Teaching and Learning: Educators and Parents Resistance to Change
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Fourth industrial revolution advocates for the proper manipulation of ICT (Information and Communication Technology). This statement simply implies that, without basic knowledge of ICT life nowadays will be a living hell. Banks have discontinued cheque transactions and adopted electronic banking, virtual meeting in most Government offices are the order of the day. It is not surprising to observe that all individuals own ICT gadgets in the form of laptops, cell-phones and tablets, all these gadgets are like ICT in ‘motion.’ Old people like to say ‘I was born before technology’, this is the disappointing and despairing one, which they use to justify their ignorance and lack of interest. Such people will get it hard to survive the fourth industrial revolution. This revolution will affect jobs in all sectors, but in phases and to different degrees. Africa is not going to become automated suddenly, but the coming global impact of 4IR makes more urgent the economic transformation SSA already needs in order to maximise its advantages and realise its potential (Brown, 2020: 1). Fourth industrial revolution dictates that even in schools, traditional chalkboard and duster is outdated and is replaced by ICT kind of teaching, thus ICT has infiltrated our teaching and learning to a level where all teachers are obliged to ’shape up or ship out’, and parents as well are obligated to support and encourage their children to boldly walk the ICT path. The main problem that prompted us to initiate and move this study is the ignorance, lack of interest and negative attitude that most educators have developed to distance themselves from all ICT empowering activities that will enable them to participate in ICT teaching and learning. This uncalled for kind of behaviour grossly disadvantage learner’s abilities and can cause major learning barriers. Nowadays learners learn best when ICT is integrated with their studies. Coleman, Gibson, Cotten, Howell-Moroney and Stringer (2016) contend that the appropriate use of ICT in teaching transforms the learning environment from teacher-centred to learner-centred. How often have you seen educators requesting learners to connect the projector cable to the lab top? Educators asking learners to help connect them to group chat, video call or zoom? Learners are adjusted to use ICT and will learn best if they are taught the ICT way.
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