Influence Of Demographic Factor And Impact On Customer Satisfaction In Digital Marketing

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P. Manju, Dr. M. Kavitha


Online shopping and purchasing is a growing concept in the field of digital marketing and the future of online shopping in the Indian market is completely departing. Most companies activate their online websites to advertise and sell their products and services through online media / websites. Demographic variables are significance ways to profile answerer. These help customers differentiate themselves based on their tastes and preferences and activate the market segment. Implements the demography market segment, which was the procedure of dividing and identifying the main customer group. Demographic characteristics are examined based on demographic factors that are Age, Gender, Marital Status, Family Size, Education and Income. This research work provides quality and quantitative research for the online market, which explores influence of demographic factor and impact on customer satisfaction in digital marketing. The results and analysis of this research will be again extended by bookmakers to advance future research in this area.

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