Development for Active Learning Management Guidelines to Promote Multiple Intelligences in Students at Educational Institutions
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This study consists of 3 main objectives: 1) to study and analyze the current state of active learning management, 2) to study lesson learned from model schools about active learning management, and 3) to propose guidelines for active learning management to enhance students’ multiple intelligences. The study was implemented in the form of the mixed-method research, and the samples included 380 personnel in schools affiliated under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 1. The qualitative data were collected by using in-depth interviews with 5 experts who were educators at the policy level of Ministry of Education whereas the quantitative data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and content analysis.
The results of the study revealed as follows.
- 1. The study found that the current state of active learning management for enhancing students’ multiple intelligences was in an overall operation at the ‘high’ level (means = 4.27, S.D. = 0.65).
- The study and lesson learned were from educational visits at 3 model schools about active learning management for enhancing students’ multiple intelligences. The findings could be classified in 5 aspects. 1) The schools had clear visions, missions, and goals for educational management with full potentials, and they promoted all learning dimensions for enhancing students’ multiple intelligences. 2) The schools arranged an active learning model for developing students’ skills, knowledge, and goodness, according to their aptitudes. 3) The schools raised teachers’ awareness of mutual visions for developing students to be equipped with desirable characteristics as well as for developing teachers’ capability in knowledge sharing for cooperative practices through professional learning community. 4) The schools developed environment, buildings, atmosphere, media, technology, and facilities completely and appropriately. And 5) schools supervised work operation systematically with clear guidelines.
- Guidelines for active learning management to enhance students’ multiple intelligences included 4 components: 1) principles, 2) objectives, 3) work plans, and 4) guidelines (promoting factors, promotion process, output, and feedback). Various methods should be used in compliance to needs and as a part of teacher performance assessment. The assessment results should be used for supervision, monitoring, follow-ups, and assessment on active learning management for developing and improving work operation continuously.
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