Multi-tasking of Women During Covid 19

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Dr. A. Muthu Meena Losini, A. Visva Sangeetha, Mrs. Helen Sheeba, Mrs. U. Annamica


Covid 19 is a curse in all fields and all walks of life. It is a threat to life, economy, society and humankind. Everyday day turns out to be standing on an iceberg or in tight corners for each individual. The situation is just like a storm in a teacup, unbearable. Every moment is passing with unexpected turns and curves which are never bent down. The loss of the kith and kin made our heart and mind with certain numbness  and uncertain future as if humanness is at its extinct.

            The sight is moving that the mother lost her child is left alone with no comforter to comfort her. Husband lost his wife’s untold bye, left baffled and unnoticed and alone. Brothers and sisters are searching for their loved one’s arrival from the hospital look desperate, unknown to the fact that they are never to be returned or resurrected. The demise of friends and relatives derive only empathy as a spectator in a crowd of afflicted. How cheap mankind became in the hands of Covid, an Asuran arrived to thwart all of us irrespective of good and evil, rich and poor, young and old, men and women. What a sarcasm that Covid treats everyone equally without any disparity which protesters fight for age past. The sight of massacre seems to be a holocaust of bio-war someone stated and started. Everone is awaiting the presence and the protection of the Saviour, Redeemer, Samaritan and the Panacea  to be saved from death amidst of social and economic crisis. This paper intends to expose the troubles faced by Moms in the work place and at home and their faith in life, strength to encounter whatever comes on their way. It propagates that Moms are super women always.

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