Meeting Fine And Applied Art Instructors’ Entrepreneurial Competency Needs for Assisting Secondary School Leavers towards Job Creation In South-East Nigeria
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The study sought to determine the extent fine and applied arts instructors acquires the needed entrepreneurial skills that would change the wrong motivate of dependency syndromes among Nigerian secondary school leavers. The scholars reviewed fine and applied art skills that would enable fine and applied arts instructors to properly educate and acquaint their learners with appropriate thoughts about entrepreneurial skill development. The study was guided by two main objectives and two research questions. The study was carried out in South-East, Nigeria. The study population was 115 fine and applied arts instructors while 55 were sampled using a simple sampling procedure. A structured questionnaire was used as the instrument for data collection. The instrument was face-validated by three experts, two in the field of Fine and Applied Arts and one in Measurement and Evaluation all in the University of Nigeria Nsukka. Mean and standard deviation was used to answer the research questions. The finding showed that fine and applied arts instructors balance knowledge on entrepreneurial skills would enable secondary school leavers an opportunity to create a job for themselves instead of depending wholly on the state and family after graduation.
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