Educational Implications Deduced from the Usage of Rhetorical Devices in the Qur’an: The Story of Prophet Zakariyyā in the Chapter of Āl ʿImrān as a Case Study
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The present research explores how each verse of the Qur’an is replete with educational implications. Through the rhetorical devices employed in the Qur’an, these implications are presented using linguistic structures of the most lofty style. The story of Āl ʿImrān is one of the most sublime passages of the Qur’an, in which a myriad of educational meanings are wonderfully and innovatively presented. The eloquence of the Qur’anic style allows these meanings to brilliantly shine without any confusion. The Qur’anic story of Zakariyyā presents a glorious example replete with meanings, which shall always increase. The way that Zakariyyā invokes Allah the Almighty offers many educational lessons through the sublime and eloquent style of the Qur’an. In addition, this paper presents a description of the believer’s response to what Allah destines for him or her, as the story stresses several sublime educational etiquettes, which the Qur’an teaches us through the response of the wife of ʿImrān, when she was satisfied with what Allah decreed for her. This has been expressed through a number of rhetorical devices that fully communicate these meanings. Through an investigation of the verses that narrate the story, this paper highlights the perfection of the Qur’anic expressions. In each scene of the story of Prophet Zakariyyā, the Qur’an employs different, precise expressions in narrating the event. This is because each word has its specific meanings and essential purposes. In this way, the educational aspects and rhetorical devices are mixed in a harmonious structure. The most sublime level of rhetoric and best educational implications are conveyed in this story. This paper attempts to unveil the educational implications by way of exploring the rhetorical devices. These are the main aims of this paper. If anything in this research is of benefit, then it is only out of Allah’s grace, and if I commit errors, then they are from my ill soul and Satan. All praise is due to Allah the Almighty in the beginning of this research and its end, as it is Him, glory be to Him, who gave me help and support.
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