Relative Effect Of Varied Velocities Of Ballistic Training Followed By Speed Training On Acceleration Speed And Speed Endurance Among Novice College Athletes
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The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of high velocity ballistic training followed by speed training and low velocity ballistic training followed by speed training on acceleration speed and speed endurance among novice college athletes.To achieve this purpose of the study, forty five male students studying in department of physical education, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India, were randomly selected and divided into three groups of fifteen each. The age of the subjects, ranged from 18 to 24 years. This study consisted of two experimental group’s high velocity ballistic training followed by speed training group (HVBTWS) and low velocity ballistic training followed by speed training group (LVBTWS). The allotment of these groups was done at random, thus Group-I underwent high velocity ballistic training followed by speed training, Group-II underwent low velocity ballistic training followed by speed training for three days per week for twelve weeks, Group-III was acted as control. All the subjects were tested prior to and immediately after the experimentation period. The collected data were statistically treated by using ANCOVA, and 0.05 level of confidence was fixed to test the significance. When the obtained ‘F’ ratio was significant, Scheffe’s post hoc test was used to find out the paired mean difference. The results of the study revealed that there was a significant difference among high velocity ballistic training followed by speed training group, low velocity ballistic training followed by speed training group as compared to control group on acceleration speed and speed endurance. And also, it was found that there was a significant improvement on acceleration speed and speed endurance due to high velocity ballistic training followed by speed training as compared to low velocity ballistic training followed by speed training among novice College athletes.
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