Effect Of Circuit And Interval Trainings On Speed And Agilityamong Male Inter-Collegiate Cricket Players
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The purpose of the study was to find the out the effect of circuit and interval trainings on speed and agility among male inter-collegiate cricket players. To achieve the purpose, forty five (45) male cricket players were selected from Govt. degree college kulgam (UT) Jammu and Kashmir. The age of the subjects ranged from 18 to 23 years. The selected subjects were divided into three equal groups namely circuit training group, interval training group and control group of 15 subjects each. Group I underwent the circuit training group (CTG), Group II underwent the interval training group (ITG) and Group III control group (CG) who did not participate any specific training programme apart from their regular routines. Speed and agility were selected as criterion variables and were tested with 50 meters dash and Shuttle run test. The collected data from three groups prior to and post experimentation, paired‘t’ test was applied to examine the changes within the groups. To find out the significant difference between the groups, Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was applied. When the ‘F’ ratio of adjusted post-test mean was found to be significant, Scheffe’s post hoc test was employed to find out the paired mean differences. In all cases, 0.05 level were fixed as level of confidence. The results of the study showed that the two experimental groups namely circuit training group and interval training group achieved significant improvement on speed and agility among male inter-collegiate cricket players.
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