Role Intrinsic And Extrinsic Motivation On The Performance Of Employees’ A Case Study Of Teaching Faculty Public Sector Of Colleges Of Pakistan

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Amir Bux Pirzada, Shaman Ali, Syed Akram Ali Shah


The purpose of article is to contribute the knowledge in the field of human resource management the importance of intrinsic & extrinsic motivation in connection with employee’ s performances how of employees can be more motivated towards the increasing the their performance through means of of intrinsic & extrinsic motivation
Teacher’ s motivation can be judged in conveying knowledge and skills to learners. As in this study effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on the performance of College teachers in public sector has been examined. Specifically in this study it was found out whether motivation of teachers had any effect on their morale to perform.
Quantitative approaches was used in this study and 278 sample size of teaching staff were selected from total population by using the Mark Saunder’ s table of, selection of sample size through the convenient sampling,
Research Frame work was developed in the light of Adams (1965) Maslow (1943) and vroom (1964) theory of motivation. They suggested that pay, recognition, promotion, social relationship and intrinsic reward are the result as of work. Before developing the hypothesis, Research framework was developed in which Employee Job Performance was selected as Dependent Variable, (DV) some factors of extrinsic motivation (Salary, Financial Benefits, Promotion, and intrinsic motivation and Recognition were considered as independent variables.(IV). Statistical Package for Social Science version 18.0 was used. Exploratory Factor Analysis test, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation and regression analysis were applied
Study will guide the top level management of Education and Literacy Department, Government of Sindh in making strategy for improving the performance of teacher, and it will be guide lines for them that, how to get work done through teachers’ by the means of motivation
It is observed that there is significant & positive relationship between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and job performance of college teachers except recognition.

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