Design and Implementation of Autonomous Fire Sensing and Extinguishing Robot along with Buzzer Alarm

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Dr. Kavitha P, Rohini., Princy Veni. S, Ganeshmoorthy G


There are voluminous likelihoods for fire accident in amanufacturing industry or in any inaccessiblezone. For instance, intextile industry, garment factories, fuel tanks, etc., electric discharges can lead to massive loss. As well, it’s a most awful case, causing huge damages not only economically but also destroying the zonesadjacent it. It is recurrently that fire serviceswere not able to reach the source of fire because of the devastation of structure and extreme temperature, ordue to the existence of volatileelements. With such restrictions and extraordinary threat in handling of fire, a scientific innovation that can help hostile the fire is indispensable.Robotics is the evolvingelucidation to guard human lives and their wealth and environments. In this paperwe presented the design of a robot accomplishedwith firefighting a simulated household fire or industry fire. It is capable of autonomously steer over a sculpted floor design while dynamically look over for a fire.The firefighting robot is furnished with four firesensors that uninterruptedly senses the temperature. If the temperature rises further than the pre-set threshold value, buzzerjingles to notify the occurrence of fire calamity.If fire is sensed, user instruct the robot in that definite route for validation. After confirmation, robot sprinkling water on affected fieldand extinguishes the fire.After quenching the fire robot move towardto its original location. During fire quenching process if any barrier comes in between the model and the affected area the sensor notices the obstacle, and the arm of the robot moves to another location for clearing the path.A cautionary message can also be sent to the corresponding people in the production industry and tonearest fire station with the GSM module provided to it.The development will help to create enhancements in the field of robotics and to obtain anelucidation to protect lives and diminish the risk of assets loss.

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