An Enhanced Aggregated Data Forwarding and Distributed Clustering Strategy for Lifetime Maximization in Wireless Sensor Networks
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a wireless sensor network, the clusterhead is used to transmit the aggregated data to the sink or base station. In this paper, a model of distributed layer-based clustering algorithm isproposedbasedonthreeconcepts.In this proposed method, theaggregateddataisforwardedfromclusterheadtothebasestationthroughclusterheadofthenexthigherlayer with shortest distance between the cluster heads. Also, cluster head is elected based on the clustering factor, which is the combination ofresidual energy and the number of neighbors of a particular node within a cluster. Moreover, each cluster has a crisis hindrance node, which does thefunction of cluster head when the cluster head fails to carry out its work in some critical conditions. This paper corresponds to the formulation of an enhanced aggregated data forwarding and distributed clustering strategy for lifetime maximization in wireless sensor networks. The proposed method is compared with the existing clustering methods HEED and LEACH for assessing the overall network lifetime.
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