Supply Chain Management in Garment Manufacturing Units

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Suruchi Sharma


The textile and garment industry in India is a major contribution to the country's GDP. The Indian textile and garment industry has widespread recognition and acclaim, both at home and abroad. It is widely regarded as one of the most significant works of its kind. There is a great deal of variation in structure, operation, and performance between the various enterprises that make up India's textile and clothing sector. “Large, highly organised, capital-intensive corporations that control the bulk of the market's brand value coexist in this sector with smaller, non-integrated spinning, weaving, finishing, and clothing and accessories firms or handicrafts dominated by handlooms as well as power looms. Around 14% of industrial production, 4% of GDP, & 17% of export income today come from India's textile sector.” It employs more over 35 million people, making it the country's second largest industry after agriculture. In 2010-2011, the total square feet of textiles produced was 59556 million, of which the mill sector was responsible for 2205 million.

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