Corporate Social Responsibility for inclusive social development and Judicial contribution in India

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Dr. Sunitha Kanipakam


A company is the property of shareholders is an exploded myth. According to the new socio-economic thinking, a company is a social institution having duties and responsibilities towards the community in which it functions and gains profits. Basically, CSR policy not only make profitable and worth but also earn a goodwill in the eye of investors. Energy efficiency and waste recycling prevents unnecessary spending of money while helping in conservation of the environment. As an important organ of society, company has a debt to the society and the community in which it has progressed. It is also necessary if a company has caused some loss to the public surrounding to its entity, it is its obligation to make up , contribute and compensate adequately for such loss, whether technical or environmental, as a part of its CSR.

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Author Biography

Dr. Sunitha Kanipakam

Assistant Professor Department of Law Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam (Women’s University) Tirupati- 517502, AP, India, (formerly Asst. Professor of Law, GNLU),