Design Of Flexible And Rigid Pavements By Various Methods And Their Cost Analysis

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Dodda.Vamsi Krishnamohan, Dr. B. Manoj


Pavements are required for the smooth, safe and systematic passage of traffic. Pavements are generally classified as flexible and rigid pavements. Flexible pavements are those which have low flexural strength and are flexible in their structural action under loads. Rigid pavements are those which possess note worthy flexural strength and flexural rigidity.

Flexible pavement are preferred over cement concrete roads as they have a great advantage that these can be strengthened and improved in stages with the growth of traffic and also their surfaces can be milled and recycled for rehabilitation. The flexible pavements are less expensive also with regard to initial investment and maintenance. Although Rigid pavement is expensive but have less maintenance and having good design period. The economic part are carried out for the design pavement of a section by using the result obtain by design method and their corresponding component layer thickness.

In our project we are calculating thickness of flexible pavement by comparing various design methods such as, Group Index method (GI), California Bearing Ratio method (CBR), California Resistance Value Method, Tri axial method is done and rigid pavement was done by Indian Road Congress method (IRC). From this design method maximum thickness is adopted for the construction of flexible pavement.

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