Teaching And Learning English Language Through E –Resources

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Vijayalakshmi, Dr. Vvn Rajendra Prasad, Dr. V.B. Chithra


English language has taken up a new dimension with the technology innovation. It made an individual as a self-reliant person. It redefined the concept of education. It narrowed down the path of education but broaden the scope of education. Knowledge seems to pass through streams of tubes almost at the lightning speed   as per   the needs of the students. Universities have to bow down due to the power of technology and share the knowledge freely.

Technology has further brought the whole world under one roof with the globalization and created more employment opportunities as most of the research is based on English. A self motivated person can learn by themselves even if they cannot reach out to the university.
The industry turned to be skill oriented and could offer placement just with the practical knowledge without any demand for certificate. This proved to be an excellent incentive for the motivated learners. Free learning e-resources further became a gateway of opportunities for the enthusiastic learners
and this is no exception to any age. The gen-x has plenty of scope whether it is learning to speak language or to learn to pursue whether writing a book or poem or podcast.
There are many websites, and especially the social platforms like face book, twitter, instagram and many more platforms are always ready to welcome the budding talent further reduce the age gap and placing high priority for the talent and excellent resource of learning and earning. The demand for the language and the increased work force for the language also turned many towards this language for the better financial   benefits. Flexibility of time in learning through online and plenty of material availability in a short time and reduced travel time are the additional conveniences which pull people towards    E-resources and online learning.

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