Importance And Impact Of Scientific Animations In Learning Molecular Biology By Undergraduate Students
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By the current study the researcher focussed on scientific animations and its importance and impact on undergraduate students. After giving the historical background in introduction section, he has depicted today’s scenario regarding the approach of the students towards the subject molecular biology. When the researcher identified the knowledge gap between and noticed the complexity of the subject through which students fail to visualize the complexities and cellular procedures. Hence, it becomes challenging for teachers to teach students' cellular processes in an easy manner. Therefore, has chosen the subject molecular biology for confirming the assumptions and through specific objectives set for the current paper. The fundamental aim was to understand the importance and impact of scientific animations in learning. For measuring the impact, researcher has conducted online and offline survey method of animations, and then divided students into different groups and observed each group for their response. Finding of the study showed that animation holds considerable learning potential, and using 3D animations, one can systematically understand structural relationships of molecule.
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