To the Questıon of the Author's Word and the Image of the Author

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Bekbergenova Ziyada Utepovna


The article summarizes the scientific and theoretical reasoning regarding the image of the author and creative personality, which are the main component of a literary work. In a work of fiction, the author in choosing a theme for a work, in the structure of the plot and composition, in creating a system of images, in choosing an epigraph, prologue and epilogue, in creating a portrait, in depicting a landscape and natural phenomena, as well as in conveying the speech of heroes and explaining their actions author's remark. On this issue, a number of scientific studies provide valuable reasoning in Russian, Kazakh, Uzbek, Karakalpak literary science.

Therefore, in this article, relying on scientific and theoretical works, it is noted that the author, depicting events in the work, organizes in the name of one goal all the participants in the heroes of the work, he himself also becomes, to a certain extent, a participant in the events, that is, is one of the components included in the artistic structure of the work. Especially, the issue of the author's skill in creating a portrait of a hero in a work of art is analyzed using examples from the novels of the Karakalpak writers TulepbergenKaipbergenov «An apple of an eye» (1986), ShawdirbaySeitov «Torchbearers» (1986), Kamal Mambetov «Turkestan» (1993), AllanazarAbdiev «Nest of the evil spirits» (2004).

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