Respiratory Temperature Measurement to Monitor Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome for Covid 19 Patients

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Amna Mohammed Jazz, Dr. Rashid Ali Fayadh, Dr. Musa Kadhem Waly


Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus-2 (SARS CoV-2) is a new virus that debuted in December 2019 and is still posing a serious threat all over the world, killing 980,031 people.It is the third human coronavirus that causes acute respiratory distress syndrome. SARS CoV and MERS CoV are the other two. Where is ARDS is one of the most difficult aspects of these patients' therapy. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) has been recognized as a serious clinical concern in respiratory medicine from its first description. Where it is considered a type of respiratory failure characterized by the occurrence of rapidly spreading inflammation in the lungs, this paper proposes a system that monitors the extent of inflammation in the airways by measuring the temperature of the respiratory system and by controlling the inflammation, the respiratory distress of the Corona virus can be controlled.

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