Factors Affectıng Student Loyalty On Student Recruıtment Agencıes In Malaysıa: A Medıatıon Effect Of Student Engagement

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Yosra Al-Khaled, Valliappan Raju


This study aims to examine the various factors affecting customer loyalty through the mediating effect of customer engagement. The research methodology was carried out in a cross-sectional survey, and as a descriptive study, the survey method was adopted for data collection. For data collection purposes, a questionnaire on the 5-point Likert scale was adopted, and a sample size of 338 students have been distributed among Yemeni student recruitment agencies in Malaysia. The model was designed by utilizing SPSS analysis for testing the descriptive and preliminary analysis. Also hypothesis for both the measurement model and structural model investigated by (PLS-SEM) software.The results confirmed that customer engagement has a significant and positive partial mediating effect on customer satisfaction, commitment, communication and customer loyalty of Yemeni student recruitment agencies in Malaysia. The result also showed that customer engagement does not mediate the relationship between trust and customer loyalty. The findings also help student recruitments agencies’ managers understand the factors that impact customer loyalty. The results would also enable managers to develop more effective strategies for increasing customer loyalty in student recruitment agencies in Malaysia.The study serves as a guide for a student recruitment agency in Malaysia and anyone involved in this industry. The conceptual framework provides a useful framework to evaluate the factors affecting student loyalty through student engagement and develop future strategies.


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