IOT Based Smart Home

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Pankaj Ramtekkar, Vedant Kulkarni, Suraj Dudhe


Availability of the internet all over the would-be increasing continuously. The main aim to design this project is to control the home appliance, security system, on-time monitoring from anywhere from the world using mobile apps.  This paper is proposed that it is helpful for elder people, physically disabled and also saves the west of energy. by using the internet of things (IoT)  and mobile app we are capable to control and monitor all the appliances such as light, fan, etc. It is also possible to lock and unlock the home door by mobile password system. In this system internet connectivity modules such as (ESP32), a sensor like MQ135, ACS172, DS18B20, laser sensor, relay module of four relays used as a switching circuit,  smart phone. Thus, the main objective of this work is to make our home automation system more secure and intelligent.

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