The Leadership Role Of The Drinking Water Regional Company’s Director On The Company Supervision Of Makassar Drinking Water Region

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Zulkarnain Umar, Muhammad Ramli Haba, Muh. Natsir


This study aims (1) To know the influence of the leadership of the Director of The Regional Drinking Water Company on the supervision of the company drinking water area (PDAM) Makassar city. Furthermore, for those who know the factors that are related to surveillance. Moreover, research that qualitative way descriptive analysis, namely research that results in data written or spoken words from people and complaints can be woven. With the culmination of the object studied, qualitative research is also a certain tradition in science that observes humans in its region and relates to people in its discussion and terminology. This research is also with the title of the research that we examine is the Style of Influence of the Director of Drinking Water Company in Supervision. The results of this study became the hope of the Director of The Drinking Water District Company in the Makassar City Drinking Water District Company, which can be very good. The leadership can encourage and supervise the employee.

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