Enhancing the Capability of Interharmonics in Solar FED Grid Connected System With MPPT Modofication

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K Theja, P Kiran Kumar, Dr. V Sekhar


In this work, we present a novel grid-connected solar power system based on fuzzy logic controllers. In grid-connected Photovoltaic (PV) systems, interharmonics are posing a new set of power quality issues. In the last research the emission of PV inverters field with the evidence that verified and primary sources of MPPT fields of interharmonic, withMPPT being one of the interharmonics. The characteristic of PV system'sinterharmonicareMPPT factors showssignificant influence on sampling rate. The performance of MPPT and interharmonic emission is kept in trade-off. Usage of MPPT sampling will be very, for example, The efficiency of MPPT will be increasing simultaneously with interharmonicemission levels. The main purpose of this study is to create a new mitigation approach to identify the issue in PV systemsfor interharmonics. The suggested \technique algorithm in MPPT to choosesample rate in between the fast and slow values. The efficiency of output current will be minimized with the Because of the frequency of spectrum distribution, the interharmonics.On a single-phase grid-connected PV system, the efficacy of the proposed interharmonic mitigation has been demonstrated inMATLAB/SIMLINK environments.

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