The Influence of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Rewards through an Commitment to Integrated Goal to the Performance of Private Higher Education Lecturers in the Central Java Region

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Maylane Boni Abdillah, Tri Joko Rahardjo, Martono, Titi Prihatin


Introduction: Lecturer performance is an important factor in an effort to ensure the quality management of higher education institutions, because the lecturers’ performance is a measure of the abilities and skills of personnel in carrying out their duties and responsibilities.

Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of transformational leadership, organizational culture, and rewards toward commitment to integrated goal and commitment to lecturer performance.

Methods: This research applied a quantitative research with a research step (design) of a structural equation model through a Second Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis model approach. The research object was the lecturers of a private university in the coordination scope of LL Higher Education of Region VI Central Java who has a minimum functional position of Expert Assistant. This research was conducted from November to December 2020. The research samples were 365 lecturers chosen using the Krejcie and Morgan formulas and purposive sampling technique. Research variables consisted of transformational leadership, organizational culture, rewards, commitment to integrated goals and lecturer's research performance with 20 indicators.

Results and Conclusions: Transformational Leadership had an effect on Commitment to Integrated Goal (2.89 > 1.96) and Commitment to Integrated Goal had an effect on Lecturer Research Performance (t value 5.99 > 1.96). Organizational Culture has an effect on Commitment to Integrated Goal (t value 3.68 > 1.96) and Commitment to Integrated Goal has an effect on Lecturer Research Performance (t value 5.99 > 1.96). Rewards had no effect on Commitment to Integrated Goal (t value 0.83 < 1.96) and Commitment to Integrated Goal had no effect on Lecturer Research Performance (t value 7.32 > 1.96).

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