Personal Effectiveness As A Factor In School Student Personality Development: Analytical Review

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Djakhangir Rakhmatullaevich Gulyamov, Kuvondik Mirzanovich Nurboev, Dilshoda Zaynievna Tukboeva



Methods. Literary and research works on pedagogy and psychology on this topic were studied and analyzed. The level of mastering by students of the subject was determined by the methodology “Study of educational documents”, the activity of students in the educational process and the professional competence of teachers using the method of pedagogical observation.

 Individual characteristics of students were diagnosed using the method “Your Style of Learning and Thinking, SOLAT” co-authored by Ellis Paul Torrance and C.R. Reynolds, T. Riegel, O.E. Ball. To differentiate and individualize the educational process, synthesized teaching methods were used, taking into account the specifics of receiving information by students and the style of thinking.

Results. This ensured a deep and complete understanding of the new teaching material by the students. Students learned the teaching materials as efficiently as possible, based on their abilities. Science teachers made sure that the learning process was focused on the student’s personality. This served as the basis for students’ demonstration of knowledge and creative activity in the classroom.

Conclusions. Improving the personal effectiveness of students requires the teacher to organize the educational process, taking into account the individuality of the students and linking theory with examples from real life and practical experience, as well as constant “feedback” in the classroom. This ensures that children fully understand and master the learning information.

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