A Critical Analysis of Women Protection Act 2006
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Women have issues and problems all over the world. In the third world countries the situation is very critical and severe. In Pakistan women is facing problems of rights and discrimination. In the constitution of Pakistan basic rights, inviolability of dignity of man, privacy of home, Equality of citizens, promotion of social justice and eradication of social evils are protected. Kidnaping, abducting, selling and buying of women are prohibited by law and crime according to the Pakistan Penal Code and Hudood Ordinance. Hudood Ordinance 1979, offence of zina amended and added the new sections and now converted and merges to PPC and hearing powers are given to Session Court. Zina, zina-bil-jaber, zina-bil-raza converted to rape and fornication and DNA is mandatory and punishment enhanced with confinement and fine also. When a case is decided according to Islamic law, appeal will lie in the Federal Shariat Court.
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