Low-Complexity Image Compression Scheme Using Discrete Tchebichef Transformation

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S. Elamparuthi, N. Puviarasan


In recent times, the advancements in the field of effective image compression lead to the development of potential applications. The goal is to reduce the memory requirements, increasing speed and space domain processes. Since transmission of images having suitable computational resources, different image compression techniques have been proposed in this paper. The existing image compression techniques are not committing the space domain process capabilities. In this article, we propose a new high energy compaction and low-complexity image compression scheme using Discrete Tchebichef Transformation (DTT) algorithm. The DTT algorithm performs the space reduction operation. The proposed DTT algorithm increases the compression performance and decreases the energy utilization. Comparing the performance of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), based on transformation techniques with the proposed DTT, it has been proved that the DTT is the optimal image compression technique.

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