Renewable Energy: World’s Most Required Technique for Electricity
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In recent world, the fossil fuels have been used in various sectors togenerate energy. But the fossil fuels are very limited with limited supply forfulfilling the needs of human being. So, using renewable sources is a betteroption to accomplish and generating desired amount of energy. Renewableenergycangeneratedfromrenewablesourceswhichareconstantlyrenewed by our nature like the sun, the wind, water, the Earth’s heat andplants. These sources can be turned from fuels into usable form of energy.The source of major amount of electricity may be can surely in renewable sources. This reviewarticle explains the brief introduction of renewable energy with its types andmerits-demerits. It also explains the conversion of the renewable energy intousable electrical energy with brief introduction of solar cell and its variousgenerations. It also gives the ideas about the advantages and future scope oftheconversionoftherenewableenergyintousableelectricalenergy.
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