Radioactivity level in drinking water of Gulbarga district Karnataka, India.

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S Rajesh, Shivraj Gounalli, Mohanraj Pattar, S S Teerthe, Archana R, Rangaswamy D R


Radon concentration was assessed in 20 water samples collected from hand pumps, tap water and bore wells collected from some areas of Gulbarga, Karnataka, India. Water samples were analyzed by using Emanometry method. 222Rn activity concentration in ground water varies from 1.11 to 66.6 Bq L-1with the mean value of 28.3 Bq L-1. About 35 % of the water samples actually used by the inhabitants of the region are having radon concentration greater than the MCL of 11 Bq l-1 recommended by EPA.

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