The Catastrophic Incumbrance of Social Media in Escalating and Subsiding Various Maneuvers of Corruption: An Assessment

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Rishikesh Sisodia, Dr. Veena Mehta Grover


Corruption reportage in the social-media can have long-term, unintended repercussions. The social media can assist in galvanizing the people against corruption and increasing pressure on governments to implement changes. They can increase public output targets by tracking and probing the activities of individuals who have been given trust and confidence, exposing corruption allegations, and raising the price and dangers of fraudulent activity. Public awareness and expressing alternative points of view may both stimulate social inclusion and assist political competitiveness by throwing politicians under obligation to combat terrorism. There are basically three major aims in writing this paper.  First, we determine the potential influence of anti-corruption blog postings on the functioning of state-owned businesses. These tweets implicated various types of corruption accompanied by chief executives on top management, who are basically public employees. Second, the researcher will explore at whether the consequence is constrained to short-term upgrading process or if it has a longer-term impact on the targeted businesses' industry behavior, i.e., if blog entries do really encourage accountability. Ultimately, the researcher figures out how social media platform works and how its various mediums would contribute in promoting and combating corruption.

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