Studies On the Aero-Mycoflora of Lormi Region of Mungeli District (C.G.)
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The most common agent of dispersal of spore of Ascomycetous and Basidiomycetous fungi is probably air. Because of the importance of this means of dispersal of plants pathogens and allergens, the specialized discipline known as Aeromycology has developed.The air sample from following site were isolated for further analysis. The different site were given below, Govt Rajiv Gandhi college, Sharda shishu vidya mandir, Bus stand, Teshil chowk Lormi. During present investigation altogether 14 fungal species were obtained in the period from September 2020 to February 2021. Among them, Rhizopus, Aspergillus, Penicillia, Alternaria and Fusarium werw dominant mycoflora. Penicillium Fusarium was present in all the six months of study like other fungal strains mentioned above. Environmental factors are responsible for occurrence of aerofungi in different regions, viz relative humidity and temperature affected their occurrence.
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