Old Age: Status And Problems A Sociological Study

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Dr. Sadhana Shome


 Among the various problems of human life, old age appears to be a multidimensional problem in itself.  Generally, none of us wants to grow old, and even if old age is dependent and problematic, old age cannot be avoided at any cost.  Yes, it is necessary that various problems related to aging can definitely be solved with great understanding and intellectual cleverness.  Women and men are considered to be two complementary sides of the same coin of life, yet the last stage of life of women i.e. old age is very pathetic, complicated and difficult as compared to men. 

            After independence, due to the coordinated effects and results of various processes of social change, scientific and technological progress, etc., there has been a proper improvement in the condition of women, yet the condition of women in many conservative families is not very good.  Women consider education as the basis for spoiling the society.  Going out of the house and working like men is still considered against the dignity and dignity, this indicates that how many steps have been taken to elevate the status of women from the legal and theoretical point of view, but from a practical point of view.  The discriminatory attitude towards them and their disdain and harassment still continues, for this not only the men's class but the women's class is also to some extent to blame. 

            Aging is an inevitable and irreversible process, it is such a process, which starts with the understanding of a particular condition / condition of the person and continues throughout life, has studied old age from many aspects globally.

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