Design, Develop, and Manufacture a Vehicle within the specifications of the SAE Baja

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S Sampath Kumar, T Somasekhar , Suchendra Paul, S Sanjay


The purpose of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Baja was to  design, develop, and manufacture a vehicle within the specifications of the SAE Baja  The team used stress analysis to ensure that all designed components could withstand the  rigors of an SAE Baja competition without component failure. Physical analysis was conducted to find the appropriate gear reduction required to meet our design specifications for top speed  and maximum torque. The team worked diligently with manufacturers to ensure that the components could be manufactured and used the WPI SAE chapter to ensure that the car was completed in a timely fashion. Engineering analysis as well as diligent communication with all stakeholders allowed the MQP to create a fully operational and competitive vehicle that meets the Mini Baja SAE competition specifications

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