Impact of Rhythmic Exercises on Physical and Anthropometric Parameters in Adolescentobese Boys

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Abdul Manan Dar, Dr. R. Venkatachalapathy


This research includes 45 obeseadolescent boys aged 13-19 years only. The author analyzed the impact of selected rhythmic exercise on physical and anthropometric variables are such as flexibility and body mass indexon adolescent obese boys were randomly selected from U.T. Jammu&Kashmir. They were assigned into three groups. each group consists of forty-five subjects. The three groups are namely Group I acted as Experimental Group (Rhythmic exercise) Group II acted as Experimental Group (Suryanamasker exercise) Group III control group without exercise. The duration of the exercise period was 12 weeks. This final test score is from the as post-test score of the subjects. To find out the significant differences between the groups, an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was applied. When the f-ratio of adjusted post-test mean was found to be significant, Scheffe’s post hoc test was employed to find out paired mean differences. The level of confidence was fixed, at 0.05 level of significance.groups to study the significance of improvement in physical and physiological parameters as a result of the exercise in all cases 0.05 of significance was fixed to test the hypotheses. The result suggests that rhythmic exercise was more effective than Suryanamasker exercise in retaining rhythmic exercise participating and improving physical and anthropometric improvement in adolescent obese boys.

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