A Comparative Study of Manpower Productivity of Cooperative Banks for Human Resource Development in Kannur and Trivandrum Districts of Kerala

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Krishna Kumar Padhi, Nikita Dholakia


Human resource development (HRD) is concerned with the provision of learning and development opportunities that support the achievement of business strategies and improvement of organizational, team and individual performance. This is an overall feeling that is conveyed by the physical layout, the way employees interact and the way members of the organization contact themselves with outsiders. (It is provided by an organization). Many researchers have conducted studies and found that HRD climate affects the performance of the employees.

In a plethora of literature, it is found that the impact analysis of HRD programs generally related to performance or productivity or profitability enhancement programs of the organization. But the perception based analysis for finding out the factors affecting the process of undertaking HRD programmes and relating those for policy planning of HRD programmes which will ultimately have positive impact on the organizational goal has so far been found far and few. Thus, an attempt has been made in this study to identify and analyze the factors affecting the process (needs, feedback and outcomes of training) of HRD programmes based on perceptions of the employees on each of the aspects so as to provide factor inputs to the planners of the organization under study for designing the optimal programmes which will ultimately be resulted positively for the CCBs of Kunnur and Trivandrum district of Kerala.

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